Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Soul Calibur V Game Review! (Multiconsole)

Posted by: Josh Van Donselaar. (Google+ Page: https://plus.google.com/111891839104589936449/posts?hl=en | Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/FallenAngel_JVD)

Hello everyone! Like I have posted on my G+ Page I have bought Soul Calibur V today, and now for the official review!
"Two swords...Two Generations...One destiny. A new dawn arises in the eternal fight between the mighty Soul Swords!"

That's right, they changed the ever lasting quote that we all so dearly loved. "Transcending history, and the world..." Yada yada yada.

Anyway guys, this ain't no normal Soul Calibur game. While I've been a follower of Soul Calibur ever since the stand up arcade game, (Which the first one I played was Soul Calibur 2 at my local arcade.) I've been a huge fan of the series, when I first bought Soul Calibur 2 for the GameCube, I was stoked. Mostly 'cause I got to play as Link: The Hero of Time. But also because that was my first fighting game, I didn't grow up on Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter or even Tekken. I grew up on good ol' Soul Calibur. Which, may I say, is an AMAZING way to grow up.

Enough reminiscing. Onto the review.

So this game takes place 17 years after the events of Soul Calibur IV, you get to play as Sophitia's two children. Pyrrha, and Patroklos. Both of which share the same destiny, the Soul Swords. (Oops! Spoiler alert. :) ) Anyway, some of the characters from the old Soul Calibur games are nowhere to be seen, for example: No more Kilik. *Tear.* Instead most of the characters have been replaced by, well, similiar characters. They each have the same fighting style, they just look and act different. For example: Kilik has been been switched with the odd and rambunctious Xiba. While Taki has been replaced with the blonde and dim-witted Natsu. I won't spoil anything else, but there is a new returning character from an old Soul Calibur game that hardcore fans might recognize. (I'm not saying who.... :D )

While some of the characters have changed, (Both appearances and just plain being switched out for someone more annoying.) this game is definitely one of the my favorite additions to the Soul Calibur series. A lot of characters have had some costume changes...And well, some haven't. *Cough* Mitsurugi *Cough.*

This game definitely has it's goods and it's bads, but mostly goods. The only real bad thing about this game that I found annoying, was how repetitive the fighting was. Even with the newly added Critical Strike and Heroic Strike, the game just seemed to repeat itself. But, being a hardcore Soul Calibur fan, I don't mind it one bit.

The game also took a bit of a Call of Duty spin to it, by adding the new "License." Where you can take a picture of your favorite character that you've created, or use one of the Preset characters! You also have 432 titles to collect, and I'll just name some off...Just for fun.

And these are 100% true, not kidding.
Please Go Easy.
Not Good Enough.
No talking.
Look at my skill.

And the list goes on and on and on. While it's fun for a while, collecting all of the titles will take quite a long time.

Another bad thing about Soul Calibur V, would be that there aren't any console only characters...Both consoles come with the same characters, and the same guest character Ezio Auditore Da Firenze. (Which is a really good character by the way.) But I want some Console Only guest characters, like how Soul Calibur IV had Darth Vader and Yoda, and how Soul Calibur 2 had Link, Heihachi, and Spawn! (Yes, I know Soul Calibur 3 didn't have any guest characters either.)

This pretty much sums up Soul Calibur V guys...Oh wait! There is one more thing that I forgot to mention...One more, amazing feature.

Like in Soul Calibur 3 and IV, you get the ability to create your own character and use him/her for battle. Well, Soul Calibur V upped the ante and made this feature twice as good. More character armor pieces to add onto your character, different things you can do with your weapons, and you can add tattoos to your characters! Pretty neat!

Alright guys, lastly I just wanna say that any of my reviews, I do not own the rights to the characters or games. I'd like to thank Bandai-Namco for making such an amazing game and series, and all rights go to them.

Thanks for reading guys!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Soul Calibur IV (Game Review | MultiConsole)

"Transcending history, and the world. A tale of souls and swords, eternally retold."

Yes that's right folks, the legendary quote from a legendary series of games. While some of the Soul Calibur games may not be like the others, they're still all unique and fun in their own way. While different versions of Soul Calibur 2 had different characters. (Like how GameCube had Link as a character!) this game does it again. While introducing new characters in SC3 like Zasalamel and Tira, this game had even more new characters in it. Of course you have the usual Siegfried and Nightmare duking it out, but the PS3 and 360 versions had different "secret" Star Wars Characters on them. 360 had little green Yoda, while PS3 had the fater of Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader. Oops...Spoiler alert. But the best part is, you can have both characters on your console! By downloading them as a DLC character. Which I still need to do, not that Yoda is any good...

But I digress. While the game is pretty much the same as the others, and pretty much all other fighting games, it still has a unique feel to it. The character creation menu is a definite upgrade from Soul Calibur 3's character creation, it adds more armor types and more fighting styles. It just needs some working on yet.

The story mode is definitely weak, sure all the characters have different problems that they're trying to face, but let's face the music people, it's all the same. And not to mention story mode is quite short, only 5 battles long? What kind of a story is that? Lammeee.

Now onto the DLCs. If you pay 5 extra dollars, you can get all the weapons you can get in the game without working for them! Can I hear a yay?! YAY!!!! No. Boo. Bad game companies. Trying to take my money when I can get these weapons for free...Outrageous!

Well that's all for now. Be sure to check back on the blog every so often for brand new reviews!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Review | Multiconsole.)

I'm pretty sure a lot of you have heard the: "Oh! Call of Duty sucks big donkey b***s!" and "They should've killed it after the first one, it's just a repeat of the first two!"

While that may be right, people can't be more wrong. Before MW3 came out, and even before BF3 came out, people were arguing about which game would be the top victor out of the two. Well, ever since MW3 came out on November 8, 2011, it's been a no brainer. It's a complete tie. That's just my opinion though.

Anyway enough of me rambling and off to the real review.

While this game does have some repetitive aspects to it, honestly, it's one of my favorite Modern Warfare games. Sure it has the same graphics as MW1 and 2, but look past that and you have a beautiful and perfectly crafted storyline. That's what brings MW3 to my top list of best games of 2011. This game has one of the best storylines of the series. While MW1 was cool, (especially the ghille sniper level. Who doesn't love that?) it just didn't have what MW3 had, World War 3. This game does a great depiction of WW3, BF3 doesn't come close. If WW3 were to happen, it would most likely look like what MW3 depicts.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Killzone 3 (PS3 | Review)

Hey there guys! Josh here with the first Game Review.
Game: Killzone 3
Console: PS3

Killzone 3 is a game of shooting and killing a race called "Helghast." 6 months after the death of the Helghan leader Visari, the Helghan are wanting to wipe out the ISA completely and for good. While Killzone 2 had some gameplay mechanics that werent that good, a lot of people still loved this game. Like me, I'm one of the people who enjoyed this game immensely. This game may not be like other FPS games like Call of Duty or Battlefield 3, but it's definitely up in their ranks. It's gameplay mechanics are different from BF3 and MW3, but once you get used to the controls they're really easy to master. While I haven't completely finished this game yet, (still playing the campaign.) it's still grabbed me and pulled me in! The game has got me hooked, and while I'm a trophy hunter, this game hasn't got me thinking of trophies, and instead of gameplay and the storyline. The storyline is remarkable, every part of it, while the game is slow at the beginning it gradually picks up the pace, the game is so addicting, it has some pretty simple trophies, (while not as easy as some other games!) but this game is a definite buy.

First post. A new beginning.

Hey guys, so me and a couple friends are starting a Review Blog. But I'm starting my own as a side project. I'm gonna talk a bit about what I'm gonna do here, pretty much I'm gonna be doing game, music, tv, and movie reviews! I'll be able to update them on the go with my iPod as well! And I'll upload pics if need be.

So my next post will most likely be a game review.

Next up: Killzone 3.