Thursday, January 26, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Review | Multiconsole.)

I'm pretty sure a lot of you have heard the: "Oh! Call of Duty sucks big donkey b***s!" and "They should've killed it after the first one, it's just a repeat of the first two!"

While that may be right, people can't be more wrong. Before MW3 came out, and even before BF3 came out, people were arguing about which game would be the top victor out of the two. Well, ever since MW3 came out on November 8, 2011, it's been a no brainer. It's a complete tie. That's just my opinion though.

Anyway enough of me rambling and off to the real review.

While this game does have some repetitive aspects to it, honestly, it's one of my favorite Modern Warfare games. Sure it has the same graphics as MW1 and 2, but look past that and you have a beautiful and perfectly crafted storyline. That's what brings MW3 to my top list of best games of 2011. This game has one of the best storylines of the series. While MW1 was cool, (especially the ghille sniper level. Who doesn't love that?) it just didn't have what MW3 had, World War 3. This game does a great depiction of WW3, BF3 doesn't come close. If WW3 were to happen, it would most likely look like what MW3 depicts.

1 comment:

  1. darn you you should have saved this so we could review it as a group...
